
Baptism is for the individual who has received the saving benefits of Christ’s atoning work and has become His disciple. In obedience to Christ’s command and as a testimony of faith, a believer should be baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Water baptism symbolizes a person’s union with Christ in the likeness of His death and resurrection. It signifies that a former way of life has been put to death and depicts a release from the mastery of sin.

Those who believed … were baptized … that day!  Acts 2:41

Baptism is an important step of obedience and a symbol of your new life as a Christian. It symbolizes a moving picture that illustrates Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. At NorthSide, we call it “an outward proclamation of an inward transformation.”

As soon as Jesus was baptized, He went up out of the water.  Matthew 3:16

If you have questions, give us a call at 228-392-3263 or come visit us.